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Website Disclaimer

Xircon Homes wishes to advise website users and customers that house and façade images are used for illustrative purposes and may depict features that are not supplied by Xircon Homes or included in the price of your home. This includes, but is not limited to, landscaping, pools, fencing, window furnishings, wall furnishings, decorative lighting, décor,
furniture, driveways and screens.

In some instances, façade’s may have additional costs associated than what is provided in the base price. This is due to house type, size, house design and house width. Subject to estate and council guidelines, some lot width requirements and façade’s may be subject to change which in some instances can result in additional costs.
New home guides and plans are representatives only and should only be used as a guide. Please refer to your new home consultant who can provide further advice on our list of inclusions, and who can provide assistance on façade options specific to your lot and/or estate or council guidelines.

or Welcome to our website. If you continue to browse and use this website you are agreeing to comply with and be bound by the following disclaimer, together with our terms and conditions of use.

Zircon Homes Pty Ltd (referred to in these terms as Xircon Homes) Domestic Licence No: CDB-U-60500 | Commercial Licence No: CCB-U-60499.

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